Hi Good Day!
open micro macro giant, and I’ll be covering that in
different post. but today i really want to focus on closed coma domes. I get a
lot of dms from you guys sending me pictures of the combatants you have on your
face .it's mainly on the forehead and chin. and the reason for that is because
it. there's several reasons, but one of them being emollient skincare, and
that's the key thing from my skin as well so when I use.
moisturizer started too rich for me, that’s too greasy for my
skin type, even though I have dry skin I still have to be careful about what
kind of cream I use. there’s a difference between. creamy moisturizer that's
hydrating and moisturizers that are too greasy or too much for your age so.
I’ve tried skincare that is great for skin care, mature skin
people in their forties and fifties, but if I try to use that, my skin will
freak out and. I’ll see coma dunes and so coma dunes. you might be like, what
do they look like, they are. not really, how should i say not clear. but like
there's skin colored or white colored bumps on the skin, and they're usually
underneath the surface, so they look different from a pimple.
A pimple is usually bigger or their red um, but with coma domes,
they’re smaller. their tiny bumps. and they sit underneath the surface, and
usually there is a cluster of them. once in a while, you might see one or two
popping up like this week see one, twple who live. very hot and humid places
tend to get more comedians than people who live in a dryer, colder place that's
how it is, because obviously, if you're in a very hot and
humid place, your skin tends to sweat. it's gonna let a lot of sebamed to try
to cool yourself down. and you know what's interesting. the dms that i get from
you guys,a lot of my viewers from Malaysia, Singapore tend to send me those
pictures of comedones. that makes sense is that i'm sure you guys live in a very
tropical feeling a place. and you know what? I’m I envy you guys, though because.
like right now, it’s so dry. overall, being in human place is actually good for
your skin. your skin will age so much better. so there's pros and cons to.
So not just skin care, but make up tips. try to choose oil
free foundation b b cream tinted moisturizer, try to not put make up over it,
especially heavy coverage foundation. um things are too thick, will tend to
block your pores even more know it's tough sometimes that you gotta go to
work,or a special event, and you just need. makeup, you need foundation
understand.but on days that you really don't need makeup would steer clear of like,
you know, make up on the face. maybe just go in with your.
Eyes and brows, a bit of concealed where you need it and
you're good and just let your skin be free, not block it.with heavy foundation.
um and you will see a much greater improvement, much faster. so that's one of
the tips.but i know whenever i give this tip,i like,i really believe in it.but
at the same time understand people who deal with acne, who deal with bumps it's
not easy to.
Leave your house without. foundation, it’s not easy to just
show the world’s, you know, the bumps and the redness that you have. understand
that. so just try your best, do your best, whatever you're comfortable with
um,but just make sure that at the end of the day, when you get home, first
thing you do isothere on this side of my face. and i think it's because I
haven't been cleansing this area. well,after makeup.
and sometimes that's one of the factors, too,like,i'll go in
and really cleanse my skin. um. but this week i feel like maybe I’ve been
missing this part a bit when it comes to double cleansing. and other factor is
genetics. no,yeah,you can't do much about genetics,but some people are more
prone to getting commodities and others um. comatose are caused by blocked.
pores or hair, falcon. Excessive mum.
Those things can block your pores very easily, your hair follicles.
And when it does that, your cell doesn't have time to turn over as efficiently and.
what it does it,it tends to be blocked when it comes to like. what product
should i use to get rid of comedones, a lot of the products that work for acne
will get rid of comedones. so right away,i think of benzyl peroxide um as they
like acid.
Alpha hydroxyl acid,silicone acid is always great for
anything poor,related and retinoids. so when you think of,like retinal rent
a,there are different types of retinoids. there's more gentle ones that you can
get over. there's different ones by the ordinary that i really like, and also
ones by the incumbent i've tried.i really like as well. and of course,they're
ones where you can go to dermatologists and get a prescription so, and those
are usually, you know,in higher dosages um.
therefore, people who are usually with mature skin, or
they've already used, like the lower percentage of rentals, and they need
something stronger so um.
when it comes to acne like major,comatose,you can start off
by using things like um. different, so different is an adaptor and. it's a acne
fighting retinoid, so you can get that over the counter. now i'll link all the
products I’m talking about down below, just in case you guys are wondering. like
what is what and where you can find them. it’s a lightweight gel that you can
apply all over your face, or you can just choose to apply it onto where you
the pumps. um if you don't want to use that all over. but
it's usually gentle enough that you can like, apply it from forehead to chin,
and it's not a problem. just make sure you do moisturize because it is an
active fighting. retinoid, michigan,you use sunscreen during the daytime and
really protect your skin from the sunlight. so going back to some of the
ingredients i touch on earlier benzoic proxy.
Tropical treatment for mild acne, it’s safe to use for most
people and you can get it over the counter, so um at least some of the ones. down
here they come in different percentages, the two point five percent, five percent,
ten percent, and they come in different consistencies like
gels,lotions,creams.so pencil proxy is an antiseptic and reduced. this is the
number of skin service bacteria on the skin. it also reduces east on the skin
as well. it's also an oxidizing agent and an anti inflammatory.
now here's the thing, when it comes to comedians, you have to
be very patient, especially if you're somebody who's prone to getting a cluster
of comedowns on the skin hmm.
It’s just because of genetics, if you get ones that pop up
once in a while,yes,you can probably get rid of it within a week or so, but if
you do get them regularly, you do have to maintain. sometimes it might take up
two months, or maybe a year.try to use them every other night, instead of every
day, when you first start off, just to see, like how your skin is reacting to
And then once you've been using it for,i would say. o weeks,
and your skin is good with it, then you know, you can up the amount and you can
do,like once daily,or even twice, daily. but really, depending on the
percentage that you choose and how much your skin can take,so really listen to
your skin. now,just like anything to do with acne fighting skincare, benzo
proxy can be a little drawing, especially if you have.
Dry your skin type. so when you use benzyl peroxide, make
sure to pair it with a good moisturizer that really hydrates your skin for you.
oily skin,don't forget your moisturizer’s know a lot of oily skin .individuals
think,oh,my skin is already so moisturized on its own that i can skip out a moisturizer.
when you do that, you’re you're tricking your skinny thinking, I’m dehydrated.i
need to produce more oil because you aren't putting the moisturizer that you
need on there. so your skin is.
Dry on the inside inside, producing more and more oil,and
you'll find yourself getting more and more oily.so it actually helps regulate
your sebamed by using the right moisturizer. now, the next ingredient is azalea
acid, as i like,acid,is great because it's very gentle. it works for mild to
moderate. coma dunes,and also,um it's anti flammation .it's anti bacterial. here
are some of the ones that i would recommend when it comes to zig acid comedy.
can respond rather slowly to the treatment, because I don't
find it super strong um. you should see improvement within want to say, three
to six weeks um and then you gotta keep maintaining you gotta keep using it
with continuous use. definitely see,a great improvement. a couple of months to
about a year, it did wonders for my skin. so i highly recommend, as they like acid,
especially if you're looking for something that's gentle but get very
um because i know there's some people who are.
Cut out a little scared of a j,or for some reason they want
to stay away from acids. that's like h a b h a related um then i like is a
great alternative for you. um now speaking of h a, let’s dive into that a j
alpha hydroxy acid comes in a elastic. which is the gentler one? and also,like
colleague. so,four coma dunes. because you are working with, like, blocked
pores underneath the surface. I do recommend.
Like colleague asked it,i find,like,colleague does go in and attack those comatose and clear them out, a
little more effective than lactic for other things. like just. exploiting in general
always tell you,guys like lactic,i like on the face, like colleague i like on
the body.like,do i apply it all over my face? but like,colleague,not usually.
I like to just apply it where i see the white bumps and then
for the body,i'll apply all over my my skin. maybe it's because, like in my
head,i always think like, collect is a little stronger.so i am very careful. with,
like a colleague on my face, especially like the eye area and things like
that,but you know what? it’s perfectly fine for use you to
use,like,colleague,forehead to chin. again, just stay away from a delicate eye
area .but otherwise,yes,you can.
My colleague aloe vera,so aside from using skincare
products,there are treatments that you can look into to remove commands. micro
brook derma brazen cryotherapy. those are some of the things that you can
consult your dermatologist. mesoderm abolition is very common treatments you
can definitely look into that to try to clear out your coma dunes, but those
treatments don't tend to run, cheat.
So a lot of people tend to focus on skin care first and try
to maintain it um because,yeah,even though if you use treatments. it might get
rid of it for you, but if you're somebody who tends to get comedians and. on
the regular,or if it's like a genetics thing,then you do need skin care
products to maintain um and to keep comedones at bay,even if you choose to go
mesoderm abrasion,or a
cruel therapy, and things like that. so another factor to comedones is diet. a
lot of people find that if you. a lot of sugar and high fat diet,you kind of
see more comatose than normal.
Drink a lot of milk,i eat yogurt.i eat cheese and. yeah,i do
seek home adults these days,but it's not like crazy.so i still. do a very high
dairy diet,but yeah,some people do say like dairy tends. make your comedians
act up a bit.another major factor is the rupture,or an injury,to your follicle
um so. physical ones with beads,or like walnut shells,are really harsh. they
can cause micro tears in your skin. uh. sometimes those can cause coma dons to
and chemical peels, laser therapy. uh that's why you gotta go
out to a place that you really trust. a good dermatologist, where you know that
you will be getting the right treatment for your skin. because. yeah,that's
great that you're getting laser therapy.that's great that you're getting a
chemical peel,microderm abrasion.but if it's something that's not right for
your skin at that moment,or if it's too harsh.
It can do harm to your skin and cause other skin concerns to
pop up. so you've got to really be careful to not cause injury to your skin peo.
ple who live. very hot and humid places tend to get more comedians than people
who live in a dryer,colder place that's just.
How it is,because obviously,if you're in a very hot and humid
place, your skin tends to sweat.it's gonna let a lot of sebamed to try to cool
yourself down. and you know what's interesting. the dms that i get from you
guys,a lot of my viewers from Malaysia, Singapore tend to send me those
pictures of comedowns. that makes sense is that i'm sure you guys live in a very
tropical feeling a place. and you know what? I’m very.
I envy you guys,though . because. like right now,it's so dry.
overall,being in human place is actually good for your skin. your skin will age
so much better. so there's pros and cons to. so not just skin care, but make up
tips. try to choose oil free foundation b b cream tinted moisturizer, try to
not put make up over it, especially heavy coverage foundation.
Um things are too thick,will tend to block your pores even
more. i know it's tough sometimes that you gotta go to work,or a special event,
and you just need.
makeup, you need foundation,i understand. but on days that
you really don't need makeup would steer clear of like, you know,make up on the
face. maybe just go in with your. eyes and brows,a bit of concealer where you
need it and you're good and just let your skin be free, not block it. with
heavy foundation. um and you will see a much greater improvement, much faster. so
that's one of the tips. but i know whenever i give this tip,i like,i really
believe in it. but at the same time,i understand people who deal with acne,who
deal with bumps.
It’s not easy to. leave your house without. foundation,it's not easy to just show the world's,you know, the bumps and the redness that you have. understand that. so just try your best,do your best,whatever you're comfortable with um,but just make sure that at the end of the day,when you get home, first thing you do is.