I’m going to teach you how to lose weight and belly fat with
the help of science this is going to be a two part episode this is episode one
which is all about diet for advice an episode two. It’s going to be all about
different exercises and if you do merger two together well the results they
should be incredible now I’m really happy that you found this post because it
means that you've decided that you want to make a change.
you've decided that you want to be healthier and you've
decided that you want the health benefits you see the problem with fat is that
it's not just the inch that you can pinch known as subcutaneous fat the more
dangerous fat is ,the ,fat ,around you. Abdomen and the fat around your
internal organs known as visceral fat now we know that high maps of visceral
fat can increase your risk of heart disease can increase your ,risk ,of ,type
,two diabetes.
and in women it's even been shown to increase the risk of
breast cancer now this diet comes from a study done in oxford and if it's done
correctly you can expect to lose zero ,point ,five ,to one kilograms. every
single week which is amazing but here's the better after six weeks the
individuals also saw reduction in their visceral fat visceral fat is a
dangerous fat we just spoke about.
the reduction was about fourteen percent they also saw
reduction in their blood pressure they also saw reduction in their cholesterol
and they also saw a reduction in their waistline five centimetres to be exact. that's
pretty amazing right and this is without any additional exercise so it's just
dietary advice so without further ado let's let the diet okay so here's ,how
,it works.
you are going to be eating measured portion sizes of
different types of foods and to measure those portion sizes you're going to be
using your hand which matches your size really really well also if you really
want this diet to work. you need to stop eating snacks and oxygen you need to
stop being takeaway food and fast food too so each day you should aim to eat
the following three fist side servings of starch you have a higher risk like
the rice and many more don't worry about remembering what I’m
saying well I’m going to leave it all in the description below a full detailed
explanation everything I say and all the different food. Now with the
carbohydrates you can also have protein so you can have two palm size servings
of protein per day this includes things like meats like fish like chicken like
soy products and many more.
You can also have two cooked handfuls a vegetable or salad or
anything like that but please remember potatoes they're not included in that
lid potatoes are in, the ,carbohydrate serving. and to cookie food you're most
likely going to be using some fat or some oil which is fine to do but you need
to stick in the serving limit so what is the serving limit you can have two
fat or oil or butter and one serving is basically the tip of
your spoon it's also important that you have fruits you need to be having two
fist size surveys of fruit every single day so that can be fresh fruit it can
be frozen fruit it can ,be canned fruit. natural juice or water all of these
are fine now remember as i said in this diet plan from the study stacks were
completely stopped so a good idea is to replace those stacks with the fruit.
and it will also probably help you from deviating from the
diet plan now in addition to all the foods i mentioned you will also need some
dairy in your diet so what can you have well you can have half a pint ,of skin
milk. or half a pint of severe skin milk and this will be enough for your tea
or coffee or your breakfast cereal now if you're not a big fan of milk instead
you can have two small parts of plain yogurt or
small pots of diet yogurt and once we're on the topic of
dairy that reminds me to tell you all about cheese if you really do like cheese
you can incorporate it into this diet however it can be matched up with the
protein family we spoke earlier.
so it's going to substitute a serving of that remember the
proteins I said you can have two palm sized servings per day this includes
things like meat like fish like soy products for cheese ,is slightly different.
one portion so one serving is the equivalent size of a matchbox and by matchbox
I mean the small size that fits in your pocket not the ones you use for cooking
like that big.
There are many diet plans out there and to be quite honest i
think this diet from the study is actually very easy to follow and it's not too
difficult because you're not actually removing any food group. you just stop
snacking but then everything else is just portion size technique which is to
begin with it might be quite difficult but you will get used to it and you can
do it but saying all that before beginning a diet planet is always a good idea
,to ,check ,your weight status.
because you may already be at a healthy way and you may not
need to lose anyway and the easiest and quickest it's really easy to use all
you do is add your height weight and gender and it calculates b mi and tells you
your weight status the results of this study from a simple diet change have
been pretty incredible but please do remember.
this is a two part episode and in the next episode we're
looking at simple exercises everyone can do at home which have been shown in
the same study after six weeks they reduce your ,waistline ,by ,two
centimetres. so check it out i will leave a
up here and in the description below we just imagine for a second if you
do incorporate the exercise with the diet change the results ,should ,be
,pretty incredible.
i know that a mysterious diabetes may seem like a quick fix
solution but the contents are unknown unproven and untested so what does this
mean well it's reported ,that ,two in three people. actually suffer from
serious side effects from unlicensed diaphragms so please stay safe if you want
more information about these i did make a post not long ago for the ,mh hara
all about them.
I’ll be sharing a recipe of a natural faculty drink. so let's
see how to make it.let me first tell you health benefits of three of the key
ingredients which will be using in a detox drink today ,firstly ,we'll be using
lemon.lemon has got wonderful effects on weight loss it helps eliminate toxins
from your body and it also boosts your blow. it will be using honey honey we
all know has multiple health benefits it also helps to cut down extra facts
from your body and helps to lose weight faster.
our third most important ingredient is ginger ginger has got
wonderful medicinal properties it helps to stimulate ,your ,body's ,fat
,burning mechanisms. thereby it burns calories faster for weight loss now we'll
see how to use all these three ingredients to make this wonderful fat burning
drink in order to prepare this detox drink you need three teaspoons of lemon
juice. two teaspoons of honey two teaspoons of fresh ginger juice and one glass
of liquor water now we simply need to mix everything in water.
mix it nicely.you need to consume two glasses of this drink every day for best results so this is a very simple and effective homemade drink which can help you ,lose weight naturally.