10 High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Should NEVER Ignore!
Blood pressure refers to the force that the blood in your
vessels exerts on the walls of your arteries for your blood pressure
measurement you're probably familiar with the two numbers. The top number or
systolic blood pressure in the bottom number diastolic blood pressure the
systolic blood pressure refers to ,the ,pressure ,in ,your vessels. when the
heart is contracting or squeezing.
The dioxide blood pressure refers to the pressure in your
vessels when the heart is .relaxed. a normal or healthy blood pressure is when
that top number is less than one twenty in that bottom number the diastolic is
,less than eighty you have. Elevated blood pressure if the systolic is between
one hundred and twenty and one hundred and twenty nine while the dioxide is
still less than eighty.
You have stage one hypertension if that top number is between
one thirty and one, thirty ,nine and or. the Diaspora number is between eighty
and eighty nine. And you have stage two hypertension if the systolic blood
pressure is greater than or equal to one hundred and forty and if that
diastolic blood pressure ,is greater than. or equal to ninety and then you have
a whole if you are ten symptoms of high
blood pressure you should never ignore and make sure you watch and pay
attention to the last symptom because it may ,be the most.
Important symptom number one headache. when you have
hypertension headache or even pounding in the ears can be a symptom when you
have hypertension especially if it's very high you can have an elevated
pressure. within your brain you can have elevated pressure pushing against the
arteries within your brain and this can cause a headache or ,even ,a ,sensation
,of pounding. in the ears number two blurry vision.
Blurry vision or change in vision can also be ,a ,symptom ,of
hypertension. in your eyes you have retina during the back of your eyes and
they have many Many small blood vessels when you have very elevated blood
pressure especially ,chronically. then these vessels can be damaged or
compromised and you can get something called hypertensive nephropathy these
tiny blood vessels in the backs of ,your eyes can even bleed.
And this can lead to blurry vision you can also have an
increased pressure in your eyes related to the hypertension which can cause
blurry vision and if the blood flow to the retina. happens to be compromised or
even if it stops then you can actually have a loss of vision so blurry vision
is ,another ,potential ,symptom ,of hypertension. question how many of you have
been diagnosed with hypertension and in hindsight you had symptoms but did not
even realize that those were ,symptoms of high blood pressure.
Please comment down below number three fatigue. fatigue or
excess tiredness or even confusion can be symptoms of hypertension for many
reasons when you have hypertension it can compromise. your heart or the way
that your heart pumps blood and oxygen flow to your body this certainly can
cause fatigue you can also have a compromise of your lungs or the way that you.
Oxygenate which again can cause fatigue and certainly you can
have neurological symptoms related to the high ,blood ,pressure again causing
fatigue. is another potential symptom of hypertension number four chest pain. chest
pain can certainly be a symptom of hypertension as hypertension is a leading
cause of heart attacks or heart failure when you ,have ,very elevated blood
It can compromise the blood flow to your coronary arteries or
your heart arteries and it can lead to a heart attack or a myocardial and
function if this happens. well certainly you can have chest pain so chest pain
can be a symptom of hypertension you don't want to ignore number five weakness.
weakness can certainly be a symptom of hypertension especially if it is focal
weakness because that could be an indication that you've had a stroke or
cerebral vascular accident.
Hypertension is a leading cause of strokes so if you have
facial drooping arm weakness leg weakness that could mean that ,your ,high
blood pressure. has led to a stroke or neurological compromise so weakness can
be a symptom ,of ,hypertension ,number ,six ,nausea. you can have nausea and or
vomiting as a symptom of hypertension it can be for a number of reasons you can
become nauseated as a result of an increased intracranial pressure.
For example if your hypertension has caused some of the
vessels in your brain to erupt then you can have a historical stroke which ,can
cause an increased pre within your brain in that increased pressure can trigger
nausea or vomiting also if your hypertension has caused you to have a heart
attack. than one of the atypical symptoms of heart disease can be nausea and
vomiting so symptom number ,six ,nausea ,and .vomiting. can be symptoms of high
blood pressure in order to learn ways to lower your blood pressure naturally
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Shortness of breath can be a symptom of high blood pressure for many reasons you can have shortness of breath due to a heart attack from high blood pressure ,shortness ,of ,breath due to. pulmonary edema or excess fluid in the lungs which can be related to elevated blood pressure also you can get shortness ,of ,breath ,if ,the hypertension. has led to heart failure which causes an inadequate pumping of the blood and leads to a back up of fluid in ,the ,lungs ,again pulmonary edema.
So shortness of breath can be a symptom of high blood
pressure you should never ignore number eight back pain. that may sound odd but
yes back pain can be a symptom of hypertension you should not ignore. high
blood pressure can lead to an emergence very very serious phenomenon called
ayurvedic dissection that's when the order is.
Compromise in a way where you start bleeding into the wall of
the aorta and this can be fatal very elevated blood pressures can trigger a
york dissection. in one of the main symptoms of a york's dissection is back
pain so yes back pain can be a symptom ,of ,high blood pressure. you should
absolutely never ignore symptom number nine of high blood pressure. nails
bleeds. albeit rare a nose bleed can be a symptom of high blood pressure you
have many tiny blood vessels within your nasal airways and if you have elevated
blood pressure.
It can damage these vessels and when that pressure is high
when that force against these arteries is great it can cause you to have a
nosebleed so a nosebleed is, a, potential, symptom ,of hypertension.
You should never ignore finally symptom number ten is
probably the most important symptom of hypertension that you should realize. symptom
number ten drum roll .please. nothing not
hinge. most people actually have no symptoms whatsoever of hypertension this is
why they call hypertension the science killer.
So you can have extremely high blood pressure even blood
pressure in the two hundreds over one hundreds and if your body has
,compensated ,if you have become. used to living with dangerously high blood
pressures then you can walk around with ,absolutely ,no symptoms whatsoever. the
frightening thing about this is that a lot of people feel that because they
don't have symptoms when their blood pressure is very high they think that
perhaps high blood pressure.
is what is normal for them well I’m here to tell you this
could not be farther from the truth even when your body has compensated and you
are having no symptoms with your high blood pressure. elevated blood pressure
hypertension actually can still cause damage it can still cause kidney failure
still caused heart attacks still cause ,heart ,failure ,still ,cause strokes.
Still cause death so hypertension is not normal for anyone so a very important symptom is ,symptom ,number ,ten ,of hypertension. nothing be sure to follow up with your physician to learn your risk factors for hypertension and to be monitored. Thank you for always staying with lkbly.com and learning new things.