borderline personality disorder

 borderline personality disorder

Bipolar disorder versus borderline personality disorder what's the difference or how do you tell the difference that's what I’m going to talk about today this is actually based on a viewer question. Can you explain the difference between a borderline with depression and bipolar I’m going to focus on the difference between bipolar ,disorder ,and borderline personality disorder.

Because depression is actually a part of bipolar disorder there's a big difference between the personality disorders and the psychiatric illnesses like ,depression ,anxiety schizophrenia bipolar disorder. Personality or your personality is your hard wiring and the illnesses are your state at the time another analogy would be comparing ,your personality to.

the climate of a region and a disorder like depression would be the weather that you're having at the moment i grew up in Florida which is a warm climate and we basically had two seasons hot. and ,not hot. but then we'd have hurricanes that could rip through and completely disrupt the environment but once hurricane season pass we'd still be ,left ,with ,a warm climate.

how the weather manifests at the time likewise your personality makeup affects how your illness manifests so going back to the geographical example. Russia has a very cold climate and this affects the type of storms that you see there so you get blizzards and cold climates and sandstorms and desert climates and ,tropical ,storms ,in ,tropical climates.

so if a person would say narcissistic personality disorder it's depressed it's going to look different from the person with dependent ,personality ,disorder ,who becomes .depressed. the narcissistic person because of their self tenderness may look more angry and self loathing whereas the dependent person because ,of their neediness.

can become more pitiful and helpless when they get depressed now these are just broad stroke examples so back to borderline personality disorder. this is actually a really big topic but I’m only going to briefly define the disorder for you and I’m going to use our diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders the fifth edition.

and I’m going to read the definition so borderline personality is defined by the following a pattern of unstable relationships self image. an emotional expression marked by impulsivity beginning in early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. as indicated by five or more of the following.

it's important that you realize that it's five or more of these characteristics so what you don't want to do is take out one and say oh I have that does that mean I have borderline personality disorder. no unless you have several of these things number one is frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment an example of this is the person who may seem to ,read ,into things too easily. um things that you say are interpreted to mean that you're done with them or that um you're abandoning them in some way.

Number two a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of. idealization and devaluation in this kind of relationship the person with borderline personality disorder may at one point think that ,you're ,the ,best ,thing ever. and you can do nothing wrong and in the next moment or the next day you're the worst thing ever the exact opposite number ,three is an identity disturbance.

You have a markedly persistent or unstable self image or sense of self this kind of identity disturbance occurs at a deep level and not to be confused with whether. you're not sure if you're meant to be a teacher or an astronaut this is a confusion about core identity issues like your gender or your sexuality or even your spirituality. now I tiptoe around this because I don't want you to walk away thinking that anyone who wants to change their gender has borderline personality disorder in fact as i mentioned before an important thing to remember with this is that the diagnosis is ,based on a.

Grouping of symptoms of the things that I’ve listed so you need five of them and it's not that anyone who's angry ,say ,has borderline personality disorder. anyone who's ever cut themselves must be borderline it's about having multiple things that fall into this category and having it present a problem for you in many ways not just.

In one relationship number four is impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self damaging some examples of this could be reckless spending or reckless sexuality drug ,abuse ,of binge eating. number five would be recurrent suicidal behavior gestures or threats or even self mutilating behavior and this would be thi ngs like cutting yourself or taking overdoses of pills even though you don't really want to die.

You’re just responding to internal distress and that's why you're doing these things number six would be an unstable reactive mood and this would be things ,like ,episodic ,low ,mood irritability. anxiety that usually lasts a few hours or a few days and this is one of the key differences between borderline ,personality and bipolar disorder. on that after i get through the criteria number seven is chronic feelings of emptiness and this is one of the reasons people with borderline personality disorder cut themselves.

Hoping mechanism to help them feel real some people will cut themselves though to relieve tension number eight is inappropriate intense ,anger ,or ,difficulty controlling anger. and this can look like temper tantrums constant anger or physical fights number nine and the last one is transient stress related paranoid ,i deation ,or severe dissociative symptoms. clinicians sometimes call these micro psychotic episodes they're not full blown psychosis but they're close and if you don't know what psychosis is I’ll have a link for you in the corner.

That on a post where I’ve talked about or defined psychosis but let me explain what dissociation is dissociation happens when a person disconnects with their present situation ,and ,this disconnection can. be from the current environment or from their thoughts or even from themselves and an example of this is a person who's been subjected to repeated physical ,or ,sexual abuse.

And one of the ways they cope to deal with the act at the time is just to mentally pull away as if it's not really happening to them and that's one of the ways that they can deal with getting through it. well with borderline personality disorder dissociation happens a lot in different circumstances so that's the criteria for borderline personality disorder ,it's ,a ,lot ,of stuff.

and so it's not a matter of taking one of these things out and saying i must be borderline because I cut myself you need to have at least five of these nine things that ,I just listed. going on at the same time or in general that's the kinds of things that you do or feel so back to borderline ,personality disorder and bipolar disorder.

They look very similar because you can have the mood swings and impulsivity but in the case with borderline personality disorder you're more likely to have mood swings that can shift from hour to hour over the course of the day. with borderline personality disorder the group of symptoms not just lower high mood but the group of symptoms that make up an episode need to last at least ,two weeks.

If you're in the depressed state in one week if you're in the manic state so you aren't shifting in and out of states hour to hour also the sense of fear of abandonment and unstable identities are things that have. more to do with your hard wiring and it's also influenced by your environment as well it kind of goes to the nature versus nurture theory how much of who you are is based ,on ,genes versus.

How you were raised in your formative years and these issues are not part of bipolar disorder think of mania as like a hurricane that swoops in and swoops out and leaves ,the ,hot ,climate behind. some other examples of the practical differences is that bipolar disorder does not make you do manipulative things manipulative behavior has ,to ,do ,with your personality.

Also people with who are manic or depressed at the time don't engage in self harm only because of their mood state ,so ,if ,you get depressed. the coping skills that you employ at the time have to do with your personality and it's not the depression itself so the depression may push you into doing something that self harming.

But it's your personality type or your personality coping skills that reacts to the depression with self harm the treatment for borderline ,personality ,disorder and bipolar disorder.

Are very different but they can overlap the primary treatment for borderline personality disorder is a psychotherapy called ,dialectical ,behavioral ,therapy ,or ,debt. it's an offshoot of cognitive behavior therapy that was developed specifically for burgling personality disorder and when it's implemented by someone trained ,in ,deputy ,it's very effective. and it's usually a combination of group and individual sessions the primary treatment for bipolar disorder is medication management sometimes with the depressive episodes ,if ,they're ,mild ,to moderate.

They can respond well enough to cognitive behavior therapy but manic episodes usually require medication. people with borderline personality disorder can still have a mood disorder so you can have both problems so if a person with borderline ,personality ,disorder ,also becomes .depressed. then they may require medication to get through the depression also sometimes the swinging moods that you can have with borderline personality disorder can ,respond ,well ,to ,mood.