Healthy directions fish oil

let's talk about five little known facts about fish oil as a source of omega three fatty acids

e.p.a. and d h a fish oil should be your major source of the omega three fatty acids in addition to consuming fish because it's ,the ,most effective.

Effective way to get your EPA and d h a and it has so many beneficial effects that are crucial to your overall health so I make fish oil as a source of omega s. a primary component of my wheat belly and undoubted programs so the first little known fact is that one of the most beneficial effects of ,omega ,fatty ,acids ,from fish ball.

Is that they subdue the postprandial rise in the type of proteins let me tell what that means when you consume a meal you flood your bloodstream with. breakdown product from that meal so the blood is flooded by these particles typically Kyle microns and Vlad well these particles ,can ,contribute ,to heart disease.

among other effects blocking insulin for instance causing insulin resistance so the big rise in color macrons early after digestion and then later. surge in Vlad a very low density like proteins rich with fat. can cause heart disease but the omega fatty acids subdue the rise of both quite a bit in fact one of the reasons why is omega fatty acids have been.

shown to activate the enzyme Li protein Li apse that lines the arteries of your body and accelerates the clearance of these particles so. especially Vlad and so there is a subdued effect of a post brandy particles by fiscal which contributes to a reduction in heart disease risk. another little known fact is that it's the d h a primarily that provides you with preservation of brain health ,protection from cognitive impairment.

such as occurs in the various forms of dementia like Alzheimer’s dementia well that's important to know because there's a prescription form of fish oil that contains no d h a. and that means if you were prescribed this prescription form of fish oil you'd have to take fish oil to get the cognitive preserving effects that's kind of stupid isn't it.

if you if you take a preparation it only has EPA if you want the brain health preserving effects of fish oil you have to take fish oil on top of that EPA which is kind of stupid isn't it. why not just take fish oil that contains both at a sufficient dose. another fact most people don't know about how did primitive humans obtain omega three fatty acids after all they're essential if you don't have any omega three fatty acids ,in your life.

you'll develop a very severe deficiency syndrome and then die die of some peculiar disease so humans need omega three fatty acids ,but ,had primitive humans obtained. well if the primitive culture was coastal or marine they would eat fish and shellfish and they get plenty of omega through fatty acids but plenty of human ,populations ,didn't have ready access.

to marine life to fish and shellfish they lived in and maybe didn't want to walk the twenty five or fifty miles to the nearest ah ocean or lake. maybe they get their water from a small stream or something like that so how did they get their omega three fatty essays they ate the brains of animals that makes modern people very squeamish because we live in an age.

we don't eat liver or heart or tongue or brain but you know what your grandmother or great grandmother was very comfortable with that if they're still around ask them. and those of course we ate it if you watch the behavior primitive humans who are still hunters and gatherers you'll see they readily the liver sometimes raw they eat the intestinal tract.

sometimes raw and they eat the brain which is soft and apparently very digestible but most modern people have become so squeamish in our surrounded wrap microwavable serve through a drive through windows sort of existence. that the idea of consuming brain is just off. off the chart disgusting for most people so what we do of course is we do the second or third best which is take facial capsules and or consume some fish.

another little known fact about omega through fatty as an official is that it's very helpful for a ,genetic ,pattern ,called ,Li protein a..

lip protein is a genetic variant it tends to occur in people who are very slender very athletic tend to engage in long term physical activities like long distance running. long distance swimming long distance biking these people oddly tend to be very good with numbers so a lot of people with like the protein a tend to be accountants analysts.

electrical engineers mathematicians physicists people are very very good with numbers these people are also very tolerant to periods of food deprivation and water deprivation now think about that. these people love long distance running are very smart are tolerant to deprivation I think leopard protein is a survival advantage so i call people like ,a ,protein ,a ,perfect .carnivores.

these are people who would thrive in the wild where you're competing with other predators you're competing to get prey and I think the SE people are better at surviving. and in fact leopard protein a has been enriched in human population the downside however is that people with lip protein are much ,more ,prone to cardiovascular disease.

of heart attacks and strokes it's not uncommon to see families or heart attacks for instance cluster in the males in their thirties sometimes in forties and fifties and the females in their fifties ,and sixties. s so it's an aggressive cardiovascular risk factor now wait a minute why would it be a survival advantage in some settings and a survival disadvantage with excess risk for cutting ,vascular ,disease in other settings.

a modern setting here's my theory yet to be proven but this plays out very well in practical life and that is ,despite being a survival advantage. living in a modern world where we're exposed to grains rich in e. limo ,peck ,and ,a .and sugars.

so these are long distance exercising slender people who you would think would be very resistant to type two diabetes and insulin resistance and those kinds of things well ,these people despite being. fit and slender are extremely susceptible to the effects of grains and sugars so you can have let's say a a male who's five foot eleven and one hundred and forty pounds which is very skinny right very .slender.

and this person can have diabetic blood sugars from eating grains and sugars despite being slender and fit so they are susceptible like all of us are to the envelope pectin a of grains it raises blood sugar and insulin. and to other forms of sugar but they're more susceptible than other people and so these people develop heart disease sooner than other people because they the ,the exposure to.

Emily peck and a and sugars provoke formation wild formation of small L D L particles that cause heart disease as well as influence ,resistance ,and ,high blood sugars. now one of the most powerful strategies for lip protein is to take a high dose of omega three fatty acids from fisher I've been doing this for about fifteen years and it's proven very very effective.

we have preliminary evidence that this does indeed work but we've been putting it to work in a practical way and it seems to really offer people with this genetic pattern like a protein advantage so ,we ,use ,six ,thousand milligrams. of EPA and d h a even though i advocate most people take thirty six hundred milligrams of EPA and d h a per day divided in two doses by the way if you think you might have leopard protein because you fit that kind of bill ,of ,a ,slender intelligent.

tolerant of food water deprivation kind of person and a clustering of heart disease in your family it's just a blood test get an n m r lip protein panel and add a lip protein a. you don't only need to check it once. is a genetically determined pattern we don't try to reduce it we simply try to reduce the associated abnormalities that bring out the heart disease causing potential leopard protein.

ah high v. l d l particles insulin resistance and some other factors. another little known fact just how do we know how much fish oil and thereby omega three fatty acids you really need well one thing you don't want to do is follow the instructions on ,the bottle.

that's nonsense information has no basis in reality well one of the ways to be guided in knowing how much e p a and d h a to get is by checking a blood test and you don't have to do this this is i'm ,just ,telling ,you how this. blood test guides us in knowing how much people should take.

the blood test is called an r b c omega three index it measures the amount of fatty acids occupied by EPA and d h a in the red blood cell membrane. because the fatty acids in the red blood cell memory reflect what's in other cell membranes throughout the body so we know that the average american who doesn't get much in the way of omega three fatty acids except for ,maybe ,occasional ,fishing.

consumption or a little bit of the limited acid from flax seed or china or walnuts gets converted to the omega fatty acids but only a little bit does get converted. and so most modern Americans have a level of omega fatty acid about two to three percent likewise vegetarians ,don't ,consume ,fish ,or shellfish.

tend to also have very low levels they can try to amp up their intake by doing such things as eating more flax seed and cheese and walnuts but the conversion of Lynnette acid to e p a d h a so low as to not be. of ,that helpful. now the evidence supporting higher levels of r b c omega three indexes come from observational evidence now we have to be careful when we look at observational evidence because sometimes ,observational ,evidence is not very.

solid not very reliable but in this case because there's a greater effect it tends to support the idea that there really is a cause effect relationship despite being only. observational evidence so we know that people who have an r b c omega index and about six percent are higher so much ,higher ,than ,the ,average american.