Hair Transplant

Here transplant surgery is surgery okay so it means it has to be a doctor. It is surgery, however. it is a special type of surgery where you keep repeating the same surgical maneuvers and thousands of thousands of times now that doesn't exist in any other surgery including ,the cosmetic surgeries we do.

Like no surgery breast surgery you do a different Minerva every second of your service or your surgery and you finish it. It’s like drawing a painting where none of the parts of the painting are symmetrical or saying so it's an individual, performance, where, there’s no repetition. Whereas hair transplant surgeries you just take dig a hole put it in and you do that thousands and sometimes, tens, of, thousands ,of times.

So that’s ,why ,there are. Parts of this procedure which are. technically heavy rather than artistically heavy so there's no judgment being made. you're just repeating a Minerva that you have mastered or you should have mastered. and you're doing it so many times that it's adds up to a very very labor intensive and long procedure so that's why in this type of surgeries it is possible.

To license other medical staff in the united states there are so called, nurse ,practitioners ,and ,physician assistants. who are trained licensed to do some parts of surgery and i was surprised even to hear that a nurse practitioner in the united states some states could do the surgery even without a surgeon being in the facility. so it can go up to that level you know because of the nature of the procedure.

But even in you know life critically important surgeries like transplanting other tissues. organs. in the in the far east there are trained and astronauts technicians that come in. tie the blood vessels together so the organ gets the blood circulation because they're trained only to do that there are even.

Able to do it better than the doctor himself so the doctor steps back the technician does the vessels and he comes back and continues the surgery so, it shows that. Parts of surgery could be delegated to people who are especially trained to keep doing the same thing which doesn't require special judgment.

And it's just a repetition and here transplant is probably on the top of that because as i said it's repeating the same thing thousands of times so here transplant surgery becomes a team's work. so different people take parts in the surgery when it's done. however in the world and in the countries there are differences in the practices like it could be a doctor heavy procedure or it could be a technician heavy procedure.

Depending on laws regulations marketing dynamics prices demand and many things so it can be practice different ways.

now turkey is the center of the world for cheaper hair transplants now the primary reason for that is. because the laws allow for more delegation that means even the whole procedure could ,be ,done ,by a technician. and that's still within the regulations of the. I debate if that's a very good idea but it's a fact and it applies to some states like for instance in ,California ,in British ,Colombia.

The same thing applies technicians can do surgery under the doctor's supervision so in some countries and states this is both legal. and there are people licensed to do it. so now turkey is as I said the The center for cheaper hair transplants. the primary reason is this the secondary reason is that all the labors are cheaper so you have to add those tools up you know even the equivalent ,labor is cheaper.

plus it's also possible to delegate more so the price difference is great at one to ten one to twenty compared ,to ,some ,other countries. okay so but some of those or most of those surgeries are also not only very cheap they're also low quality. one of the reasons is there's no training there's no supervising doctor it's like you know it's not just delegating during the surgery.

everything is delegated like they just teams come in and do the surgery even the company doesn't know who these people are and so it can be that left ,so ,there's no quality control. so that means if you delegate it doesn't mean it's perfectly safe in every way. there has to be quality control. was in some. surgical centers. there is doctor's involvement and also training available so that there is quality control so now obviously there are three parts.

Of a hair transplant procedure the harvesting part now it's harvesting part donor harvesting it could be two ways it could be stripped or it could be f u e. and as a recipient site making so you make incisions to make the recipient side and then there's the placement you call that implantation so there's a ,placement ,part ,three parts. so now depending on. practicality and regulations this could be practiced different ways as i said in turkey it could ,be ,fully ,delegated ,to .technicians.

the doctor does all the cuts are in the medical term incisions so if he does all the cuts or she it means this is called doctor only surgery it doesn't mean. that there's nothing done by other people like this is going to be if this is in the case of a strip there's going to be grafting section under the microscope done by ,a ,team ,of technicians. there's actually modification to the tissue or it's outside of the body or it could be arrangement or kind of arranging ,the graphs trimming them.

Both in f u e n strip. uh these are done by the technicians placement the placement does not involve an incision that doesn't involve a cut in the human body ,so it's mostly done worldwide. by technicians. so and this is called doctor only surgery so when we say doctor only surgery it means the doctor is doing whenever there is a cut and the other parts are done. so it doesn't mean that the placement is also done by the  doctor.

Hair Transplant Pricing Per Graft vs Per Session

per graft versus per session i think this is an interesting topic the traditional way in the western world to price hair transplants ,is to price per graft. I’m going to talk about the problems i see in this pricing method now initially it looks like the more drafts you, do ,there's ,more work so. it looks like it's normal. to charge for the number of graphs you do it's like buying let's say a ,dance ,of ,apples ,or oranges. But I’m not sure if that's entirely true and here are the reasons why. Now there's a technical side and there's a philosophical and ethical side to this problem the technical is that when we do a. how, do ,we ,take ,more graphs.

So how do we take more graphs the way to take more graphs in f u e is to do two things one ,is ,to do it faster. If ,we ,do faster. we will do more crafts. Now if we do it faster. we actually damage more so we cause more tissue damage more graph ,damage and .wastage. so if we're paying per graph and. we're going to do it faster in order to ,give ,you ,more graphs. We’re actually increasing the damage and wastage so you're paying more to get more damage so as you can see that's not the patient's benefit.

The other way to increase the number of graphs not by time but by area. is to do. Closer punch holes so if you do more closer punch holes you'll get more grass. And if you do two close punch holes you ,cause ,one ,more ,scarring. And two you decrease the donor density significantly that it may be depleted and look moth eaten. so you're destroying the appearance and the aesthetics of the donor area.

So the second way of getting more grads by making closer punch holes doesn't benefit the patient either so you're paying again for, something that doesn't benefit you. The third way to get more graphs in f u e is to use a smaller f u e punch a smaller surgical punch. Now this may sound good at first but if you use a smaller f u e punch than needed that's a punch that is smaller than the width of your vodka unit.

which will not be able to take that volatility unit in. you're going to cause more damage more phobic transactions if the punch is too small so the third way of doing more grass is using a smaller punch also increases ,the ,damage and wasted hairs. so as you can see there are three ways surgically in fu. that brings us more graphs which none of them are in the patient's benefit so by paying per graft.

you are encouraging the clinic. to do something that is not in your benefit. now in strip surgery f u t f u t you remove a strip. so again there's ways to take more graphs one is you take a wider strip. you take a wider strip then you can actually take you're going to close the wound under tension and this is going to be much more painful difficult to heal. and you're going to get a worse car. I’ve seen uh let's say on public forums where the patient had a huge number of four thousand grass strip taken and the surgeon was unable to close the wound.

and he had to leave it open and the patient received a two to three fingers thick scar and a very bad healing period that was because ,the ,agreement ,was ,on graphs. By taking four thousand routes the clinic kept their promise. there was nothing in the agreement telling if the wound is not closed or the scar is poor there's going to be a penalty for the cling no agreement is for graphs so the agreement is kept. The other thing in strip is that.

Let’s say we took a strip which is a normal strip proper closure no problem there. But in order to get more graphs we can over-cut or we call that subdividing folic units to make more single and double. Haired volleyball units so we get more graphs so let's say we have a strip containing six thousand hairs theoretically we could  create. six thousand graphs with one hair each. so or we could do. two thousand graphs with three hairs each. so for the same strip with the same amount of hairs.

you would pay three times more when the clinic over cuts or subdivides the funicular units. and so you pay three times more for the same coverage and same number of hairs. so as you can see again it's not your benefit to pay ,for ,the ,number ,of graphs. and the other thing related to this is proven in scientific studies that skinny graphs which are predominantly single haired survive less.

than chubby graphs so not only you pay more for the same amount of hairs but you get poorer growth. so as you can see none of that is to the patient's benefit so these were all surgical reasons why paying ,for ,the ,number ,of graphs. is not to the patient's benefit. now there's ethical reasons too for instance. if you pay for the number of graphs the chances are the clinic will be encouraged to offer you ,a ,higher ,number ,of graphs.

so they make more money so chances are you will be advised to use up more of your donor hairs that perhaps you didn't need that much there's clinics that will recommend ,four ,or ,five ,thousand graphs. whereas two thousand would do so as you can see there's an ethical problem and the other ethical problem I have in mind ,is ,for instance let's say uh. you have a certain budget OK yeah five thousand dollars in our clinic.

we charge. five dollars per graph so we find out that your budget is five ,thousand dollars and in this case you can afford ,only ,one ,thousand graphs. so the clever salesperson on the clinic is going to realize that there's no point in recommending your three thousand graphs even ,if ,you ,do need it. because he he knows you're not going to be able to pay and you're going to run to another clinic that's cheaper and recommends he says ,you'll ,need ,one ,thousand graphs.

And you make an agreement thinking that that's within your budget but you're getting an amount of graphs that's too small for your situation and you're going to get a result that's not satisfactory. From an ethical point of view this clinic should have refused you because you have insufficient funds. But because you're paying per graph they're OK free.

To give you the number that you can afford so for all of these reasons I believe paying per, graft ,is ,harmful ,and ,unethical. Paying perception on the other hand. Is ,more healthy. Because you're just paying for the performance of the clinic that you believe they're going to do their best now a quick question you may ask what if the clinic does ,deliberately ,less ,number ,of graphs. Because they're too lazy when the agreement is on perception yes they can do that.

but this clinic will be judged with the results they provide so if the clinic keeps doing less number of graphs than needed. they will get poorer results and less coverage and then other patients will look at that and say we don't want to go to this clinic so as you can see if the clinic does that they will not be able to get away with it. so paying per session is much healthier than paying per graph but there's one.

Extra thing i have to say is that in turkey surgeries ninety nine percent of surgeries are charged per session but, not ,for ,an ethical reason. It’s ,because most of these surgeries there's no doctor and technicians are used for the surgery. And then it becomes an unnecessary for the clinic to charge for graphs because it doesn't matter for the clinic to tell these technicians to take two thousand or four thousand graphs it doesn't matter for them. so they just had a fixed fee. So the only exception that you have to look at is if a clinic is charging per session.

Try and make sure this is not a technician only clinic with no doctor in the procedure because they are charging for the session, not because they're too ethical. I hope you got something useful out of this. Thank you.