how to use a moisturizer on the face in UAE
I could teach you about all the simple most basic steps of a skincare routine so that you can learn how to protect your skin I yes the dreaded word moist. Your eyes thing to add to that please turn off like half yes from watching this video but on where we go westernizing it's pretty important to moisturize in order. moisturizer on the face in UAE
to take care of your skin this is usually the 7 skincare routine that most people know about like cleansing and my sister is using but there are a lot of misconceptions around moisturizing and a lot of people who think it's not necessary and I'm gonna explain this. moisturizer on the face in why it is what you need to know and how you can moisturize your skin so let's get
Poppin bets system number one and how much stress your skin you have to know your skin type if you're going to be able to moisturize your skin in the best way possible so that it looks and feels the best you have to know what skin type you have lucky for if you don't know what your skin
type is you can go and watch the first episode of the series where I tell you how you can figure out your skin type this is honestly really important because I have super oily skin and my oily asphalt. I don't need a moisturizer because I was already producing enough hydration across my face wrong you need to moisturize if you have. moisturizer on the face in UAE
skin it all depends on the type of moisturizer you use and inevitably your moisturizer is going to help solve the problems that you're facing with hydration in your skin which means if you use the right moisturizer you know your skin's gonna get less dry over time and if you use a really good moisturizer for oily skin is going to get less. moisturizer on the face in UAE
slightly over time and if you want to notify you to find your skin type or just any other skincare questions, in general, come join the skincare junkie family it's an online community where you can ask any question that you have and the group will
provide an answer you get to connect with me you got to connect with others save money it's pretty don't place that is free so check out the link in the description box, you can giant step number 2 find a good moisturizer now as easy as that sounds there are a few steps and finding your moisturizer and I will break it down for you to break it down. moisturizer on the face in UAE
Awkward white dancing if you're new to my channel hi I'm a the ingredient that's I'm very very picky about which ingredients I want my skincare and which I don't want and when it comes to moisturizer is important but you know which ingredients the product is using, however, you do not need to know every single thing means on the back of the
label in my experience for moisturizers there are only a few things that you need to avoid first of all avoid alcohol which is labeled under S. D. moisturizer on the face in uae alcohol denatured alcohol or isopropyl alcohol the reason why these are gonna overly strip your skin of hydration and can cause really bad reactions or sensitivity of which I experienced both alcohols should not be in. moisturizer on the face in UAE
a moisturizer because my stories are is there to make sure that your skin is hydrated and moisturized throughout the day and how they gonna do that if I call stripping all the way the hydration huh what does that make sense a lot of moisturizers aimed toward more oily skin types tend to have a high amount of alcohol so make sure you look to try and find those, in addition, you
should avoid fragrance in a moisturizer as well the reason why fragrance is super irritating can be damaging to the skin especially in a leave on treatment but you keep on throughout the entire day and contrary to popular belief the product is not fragrance-free just if it doesn't help the word fragrance there can be a lot of other ingredients that are fragrance ingredients. moisturizer on the face in UAE
is for why do we need a moisturizer there's a thing called the transepidermal water loss no don't leave don't accept I know this sounds very science C. and gross but stay with me transepidermal water loss for the tool is the process of water leaving our body and oftentimes water leaves our the body through our skin through this process we tend to see dehydrated skin we will look. moisturizer on the face in UAE
dry will see an increase in aging and loss of firmness and starts the fine lines and dark spots and other issues like that simply because of water skipping our bodies for a moisturizer is to keep that water and hydration locked into the skin so that you are increasing the risks that come with trying. It's up from a water loss as much as companies and people. moisturizer on the face in UAE
want you to believe that a moisturizer should have a bunch of active ingredients is really powerful things that are gonna fight against aging into the reality you don't need that stuff can be done in the treatment the phase of a skincare routine which is where it's like exfoliation you can also see my video on that the firm we stories are it really should just be. moisturizer on the face in UAE
focused on keeping that hydration level of the skin making sure the water doesn't leave the body and that you are good to go now there are multiple types of moisturizers out there in each type works best for a certain skin type so if you have oily skin like myself you'll benefit from a gel or water cream moisturizer it's a very lightweight liquid that absorbs into the
skin quickly and easily so it doesn't feel heavy on your skin and so that you won't sweat it out during the day my favorite moisturizer for oily skin is the first aid beauty water cream this stuff is magic it works every single time on the most humid days here in Hawaii where I know that as soon as I walk out the door I'm already
links I make a small commission off of any of your purchases and I would appreciate it thank you guys then there's delta cream moisturizes which these are suited best for people with combination skin people who have missed in certain areas or during this in other areas and I'm not gonna lie I usually have combination skin when not in
In the summer the fashion it's rough because it's not fun trying to address different hydration levels in different areas of the skin so that's why I recommend different moisturizers for people with a combination skin if you have a combination to more oily prone skin I recommend the even prime daily moisturizer this stuff was a very expected fine. moisturizer on the face in UAE
from me but I love the ingredients it's very lightweight it moisturizes well so you never feel any type of dryness but it's not overly greasy or oily on the face and then if you have a combination to dry skin were you feeling maybe a little bit more drive but you still have some oiliness I recommend the youth to the people adoption. moisturizer on the face in UAE
the cream I've always loved this one because it delivers. A lot of hydration a lot of moisture but it feels so thin on the skin it feels like nothing and it looks great under makeup and then there is heavy cream moisturizes which are best for people who are dry as the Sahara desert honey heavy creams are the most intense hydrator is for the skin and dry skin
I recommend this year of 8 moisturizing creams, this one is just stable it's super cheap you can find it everywhere I don't work so well to just deliver deep hydration to the face with really clean and effective ingredients now if you want to accept him to like. moisturizer on the face in UAE
I do there is a difference between the daytime cream and at night time cream daytime creams tend to be a little bit of a more lightweight formula that focuses on protecting your skin and ensuring hydration while night time creams tend to be a little bit heavier to
prevents that tool because honestly being as when we experience tool the most I have to say if you struggle with oily skin something that changed my life is using a bit of a heavier moisturizer at night nothing too crazy but enough to really
hydrate your skin you will notice over time that your skin will stop being as oily as it normally is it's a great track all right now that you've found your perfect moisturizer was going to step 3 which is applying the moisturizer to your face no it's just coupled out right now a lot of people who work at cosmetic counters will say that you have to apply your moisturizer in
a very particular way sweeping up words only doing certain things across the face because if you move your face the wrong way it's going to increase aging honestly it's not going to Greece aging but you know what will increase aging is having bad ingredients in your skincare which a lot of people who work at counters do not even realize it's more important to use the right products in sunscreen than it is to like apply your moisturizer in a certain way not saying what I said about how you apply when you're playing my strides you want to make
sure you take a small amount on your fingers rub it between your hands and gently work it into the skin make sure you're pressing firm enough so that the skin can soak it up but don't be too harsh or abrasive or fast. moisturizer on the face in UAE
when applying it to your skin remember skincare is self-care so think of it as a moment to just have like a relaxing facial I like to say imagine if someone else was touching your face put that same amount of gentleness and care into applying your moisturizer I. moisturizer on the face in UAE
On your face not saying what I said about how you apply a moisturizer, yes well this doesn't impact aging at the same time you don't want to be overly rough with your face so don't do this and don't do that this work the cream and softly No shoes took a lot of people forget to make sure you moisturize your neck and your chest area a lot of people realize that the
chest on the neck are the places that we experience what it's like Daddy position especially with their 90 man times that were like looking down at our phones we will see a lot of aging so it's best to moisturize those areas to prevent aging as much as possible and then a huge step especially for people with oily skin the moisturizer into the skin afterward
this will matter if you are not using sunscreen it doesn't matter if you moisturize doesn't matter if your client doesn't matter if you exfoliate if you do not use sunscreen you're going to age no matter what 90 percent of premature aging is due to sun exposure so in. moisturizer on the face in UAE
addition to the skincare team you want to make sure that you are using sunscreen and if you want to see my thoughts about sunscreen makes you subscribe to my channel so that you can see the next episode where I talk about how to apply sunscreen but
I just wanted to say that because a lot of people think they can just stop with the moisturizer and go on with their day and that is not the case honey and that's it you figure out how to moisturize your face congratulations, Lou, now if you have any questions feel free to subscribe to my channel or go over to the skincare junkie. moisturizer on the face in UAE