How To Use Sunlight As Medicine For Your Body | Amazing Health Benefits of Sunlight.
This post, we will talk about how you can harness power from
the sun to be a fittest, healthiest self. We will learn how to take sunlight in
the right way at the right time in the right quality.
So it can be a working hospital for your body and permanently
cure diseases. We will also learn an ancient but very trending practice called
sun gazing will discuss exactly how to do it and how it will improve your
concentration and increase.
Your intuition, your sixth sense before we move ahead, let's
do a quick recap. In the last post, we discussed what food you should eat,
living wholesome water rich.
Plant based food now this post is a continuation of the last
post in this. we will talk about the second kind of food your body needs, sun
food, sunlight is food for ourselves. And without it. Our organs cannot
function properly, yet most of our bodies are starving for sunlight. We’re
becoming an indoor generation, a generation that spends ninety percent of its
life. indoors, we have filled our homes with fancy things, and so we've become
places we never want to leave. nature is being replaced with gadgets and
sunlight with artificial.
we wake up in a closed room shower in a closed bathroom, get
into a closed elevator into a closed car and drive to work where we spend all
day working in a. rose room from entertainment to sport to shop. we have caged
ourselves in to a point, nothing can get out, and if we do go out, we wear so
many creams and clothing, so no speck of sunlight falls on our skin. unfortunately,
god has not adapted their bodies to live without sunlight. sunlight has been
the biological need for us humans, and because we're not getting it.
Many things are starting to go wrong. most of us are starting
to feel sad. as a society. we constantly under stress or anxiety, depression
has become a common state of mind. and with popping pills to feel happy. but
how can we be happy if we shut ourselves in darkness. some people are having
problems sleeping and others are having problems. breathing the lack of
sunlight is also affecting children's ability to learn to remember.
On a physical level, it's softening our bones and problems
like osteoporosis, survival, arthritis, Constantine. Back pains, which once
only used to effect our grandparents, are becoming common even among st us. hard
to notice in the beginning, but the lack of sunlight is disrupting the natural
functioning of our organs of our pancreas, ovaries. hard skin, and we're
getting diseases like diabetes b c o d harmonica in. pilot and acne surprises
and had blood pressure.
Now the solution is simple from an indoor generation, we have
to become an outdoor generation. we have to let sunlight back into our lights
again. sunlight is the original medicine that humans have been using for
thousands of years. our forefathers used to worship the son as a dd of health
and happiness. in our verdict Indian texts, it is said that the sun can heal
anything. the guy was sung as a prayer to the sun god who is called surin Aryan
Soothing a mascot or sun salutations were done every morning
to benefit the body of exercise as well as the sun in Germany during world war
one, sunlight was used to treat war room. when soldiers fighting in a war got
gunshot wounds instead of wrapping wounds with bandage. the military doctors
exposed it to the sun for several hours a day. sunlight was actually uses.
Sunlight is a powerful detoxifies when sunlight falls on our
skin, our skin feels a little warm. that is, when sunlight is penetrating deep
into your skin and reaching the blood, passing through your arteries, and so
your blood gets circulated blood that was previously. and clogged up is put
into motion the toxins and impurities in your blood are also circulated and
then finally excreted through sweater urine after sunbathing, most people's
urine turns yellow
That’s a sign of more toxins being released from the body and
more disease in the world can survive in a body that is clean internally.
sunbathing is also essential to maintain your skin help. in your skin. there
are thousands of little pores per square inch when these pores become closed
because of dirt or any other matter, the waste can no longer exit the skin. And
it gives rise to many diseases by giving them the light warmth of the sun.
these pores are opened up and waste accumulated in these pores exits out
through the skin. combine everyday sunbathing with sixteen hour fasting animal
wet back and proper diet, which we talked about in the previous post, and all
skin problems will vanish within a few months. beat ages rises eczema anything
see our water is contaminated, our air is contaminated, our food is
contaminated, but sunlight is the only source of energy that is hundred
contaminated and always will be. so what is the proper way to
sunbathe, simply go out and lie down in the sun, where to sunbathe any place
where sunlight can directly reach you. balcony veranda, roof park beach best
time to sunbathe is morning or evening. remember, you need the light of the
sun, not the heat of the sun morning or evening is the best time, because at
this time. the sun is not very strong.
how long to sunbathe approximately thirty minutes first
exposure, full front body for fifteen minutes and then your whole back body for
another fifteen minutes. as soon as you start sweating, stop sunbathing and
come back inside, you must sunbathe every day, make it a lifestyle. and
continue it throughout life. what to wear. it's the best to sunbathe with
absolutely no clothes on, but if you can't find a private spot where as lucky
clothes is possible, preferably white cotton clothes.
cotton readily absorbs the light of the sun, no point
sunbathing. wearing thick clears of clothes, synthetics of polyester also don't
sunbathe through a glass window. it's not effect. go out and sun within the
open. so you get the full spectrum of the sun while sunbathing. remember to
express gratitude, say thank you to the sun. sending out its healing energies
to you develop a relationship with the sun. trust me, it's a beautiful
relationship to make best use of your time.
combine sunbathing with any other activities, such as reading
a book or listening to a lecture. don't worry, you won't stand. it's only the
harsh afternoon sun that pigments our skill. sunbathing is for everyone, not
just for the sick children, young. old, everybody can do. it also never use
sunscreen. sunscreen is one of the most toxic things you can apply on your
body, look at the're literally baking all those chemicals into your skin
pores, which open up when exposed to heat from the sun these chemicals could
deep inside our skin tissues because of the external pressure of the side. it's
never the sun that gives us cancer, but the chemicals in the sunscreen that
give us cancer to protect yourself from the strong afternoon sunlight, use a
hat or cover your head with a cloth.
use physical protection racked in chemicals as a society we
started fearing the sun, but where did this fear comes from, it's the cosmetic
and pharmaceutical companies that infused this fear in our society. advertising
campaigns aimed at selling supplements and sunscreens put this fear in us so
that they can sell us a product. our ancestors sit quite well without it.
Along with sunbathing. simply do more things outdoors instead
of running in a stuffy gym on treadmills while you're breathing the same dirty
air expelled by other people, exercise outdoors in the fresh open sun, do soon
a mascara. so you get two benefits at the same time of sunlight and exercise,
let daylight enter your house and your workplace, open up your curtains, open
up your windows.
Sunlight makes us feel happier. you will be able to
concentrate more on your studies and work the atmosphere in your home will
instantly become more positive. there's a huge connection between sunlight and
mental health. in Scandinavian countries like Denmark, where the weather is
extreme and the sun sets at three in the afternoon, many people get depressed.
even disabled, and commits suicide.
scientists call it seasonal effective disorder. they
discovered that as sunlight goes down, sadness goes up some of the world's
richest nations are committing the highest rates of suicide in winter. why,
because all the wealth can't give us the happiness that sunlight can and it's antiseptic
to clean up the wound in room to practice something called solar architecture,
a true architect was looked at someone who also had the knowledge of health.
And design buildings with most sunlight increase the used
radiotherapy, meaning using sunlight as medicine all across Europe that will
heal you therapy clinics. my patients, particularly children, were put in
sunbeds for much of the day and saw dramatic results, ensuring all diseases
including rickets, burns, ulcers, anemia.
In Italy they made sunlit hospital rooms. patients who were
put in sunlit hospital rooms held much faster than patients in rooms which
received no light.
all across the world, sunlight was used as a medicine,
something so common sense has become uncommon to us today, so come, let's be
the generation who brings back these forgotten truths. let's learn how you can
make your body a piece of marvel, but everyday sun charging in this post will discuss
two powerful ways to sun charge your.
number one is sunbathing, which basically means that you go
outside for about thirty minutes every day and expose your body to the sun look
bathing that we do with water every day. is just one type of bathing. it only
cleans your external body. sun bathing is essential for cleaning your internal
body when wheat or rice in our kitchen catches wounds or starts to smell.
we put it under the sun and it gets purified. why, because
sunlight is a natural disinfectant. it detoxifies your body by removing the
back bacteria mold fungus. that you might not even know existing side. Second the
same for us. our anxieties, our insecurities will automatically be produced. substantially
by everyday sunbathing. okay, moving on. you might be eating the best, most
nutritious food, but you still might be deficient in important nutrients such
as Gaussian white island.
because without sunlight. your body simply cannot absorb
nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium from your food when the body
cannot absorb calcium. your bones tend to become thinner and weaker, and bone
mass declines.
by everyday sunbathing. your bones regain their strength if
you have knee pain, expose your whole body, including the knees to the sun
every day, and the knee pain will go away if there are any parts of your body
that have become.have become lifeless. they are rejuvenated. what back to life
if you have back pain, expose your whole back and post to the sun and your
back, pain will go away it.
sunlight delivers healing effects to all our joints, forget
those worthless vitamin depots, there is no pill in the world that can
artificially induce vitamin d in your body. sunlight is not something you can
back in a capsule and swallow you need the real deal. you need the real
sunlight, and all deficiencies will automatically go away. no need for any
by sunbathing your digestive fire, your jetted ugly becomes
stronger if you pair everyday sunbathing with the correct southwick food, all
digestive disorders beat indigestion. acidity ideas also still all go away if
you have a cold or a calf or a sword, throat sunbathe for even longer. you can
take it up two to three hours.
don't take medicine. just do fasting animal went back and
sunbathing, and you will instantly see improvements because sunlight dissolves
the mucus sitting in your airbase. you might even sneeze a couple of times by
regular sunbathing. you can permanently get rid of asthma. bronchitis, chronic
cough, sunlight also influences the secretion of insulin by your pancreas and
plays an important part of the world.
role in reversing diabetes i have left links of all such
scientific studies, proving these facts in the
okay, let's move on to the second practice. you must to harness energy
from the sun. it's called sun gazing sun gazing is an ancient practice. it's
not something new. it basically means looking at the sun for about fifteen
minutes every day when it is not bright at all in the early morning or evening.
mother nature's greatest gift that we are enjoying on top of
our body is our brain, and we are hardly able to use. say, two or three percent
of it nature has gifted us with immense power. but unfortunately, our brain
remains dormant because no sunlight is reaching it. sunlight is like the power
supply, the electricity for the brain. if the brain gets this power supply, it
can do wonders.
sunlight can reach the brain fastest through your eyes, eyes
are the extended part of your human brain. they are like the windows of the
brain. our eyes are also a very delicate organ. so while sun gazing, we also
must be careful that no harm is cost to the eye, so how to sun is something.
look at the sun with your naked eyes, it's very easy.
Just look at the sun like you would look at the t v. it's
okay to blink your eyes in between when to do it only during the safe hours of
the sun during the first hour from sunrise or the last hour before sunset. there
is no ultra volleyball race at these times do not sun gaze during the afternoon
sun, which is very strong. it will only do harm for how long to do it. look at
about fifteen minutes.
After few minutes. you will see your thoughts disappearing
and everything in the background will start to become blurry and black, and
then the only thing you will start to see is the sun. do it according to your
convenience, if someday you cannot do it in the morning. do it in the evening.
it's okay to switch also. no problem. if you do both times, that is also fine.
someday it may be cloudy weather or your compulsion in life
may prevent you from doing it. forget about that day, no harm, restart when the
sun comes out, but be consistent to see real results. if possible, while
sun gazing stands straight barefoot on the ground by doing so, your earthing
yourself, yours and yours of sunlight is trapped.
Into that ground. which is transferred to your body three or
feet do not wear any glasses or contact lenses, while sun gazing. when you look
at the sun, powerful photons of energy. from the sun are received by your eye,
then they go to the brain, and from there to your entire body and health of the
entire body is improved. you will have a son charged body.
See sunlight is energy if there is no sunlight, nothing will
grow on this earth. it is sunlight that gives beauty and life to this world.
and even when a fraction of this energy hits the earth. flowers blossom, fruits
ripe and plants grow into trees and forests. sunlight contains life giving
energy and the same life-giving energy is transferred to your body
And is used to heal your tissues on yourself when you receive
it. when we think about food, we think only about fruits and vegetables and
cereals, right. but take a moment and think deeper. what is the food of our
food sunlight.
what we usually eat is a secondary source of sun energy
original source of sun energy is sunlight itself. even when we eat a fruit of
the vegetable, it's actually the sun's energy going inside us. because of which
we feel energetic, so by sun gazing, you're getting the most primary source of
energy. sunlight is the most direct form of food. sunlight is food that does
not need to be carried, but is received from cosmic sources.
When you continue sun gazing for about three months every day
as you get more and more energy from the sun, your hunger levels will start
disappearing proportionately. instead of getting energy from traditional food.
you are slowly getting more and more energy from the sun sixteen, a fasting
suggested in my last post will become easier.
your appetite will reduce your hunger will be under your
hands in your control. the first benefit of sun gazing will be on your eyes.
eye health will improve, you can get it tested. a prescription will change and
you will have to change your glasses accordingly.
don't continue their old classes, uncatalogued, new
nearsightedness. far sightedness, everything disappears, so many books written by
experts these days better eyesight without classes.
reading without glasses. thousands of people have gotten rid
of spectacles by sun gazing. then after about three months, another one will
take place. your brain will start getting this energy. and you will have a more
balanced mind. the wavering, turbulent mind will become more balanced. you will
become more positive when you're thinking your fears will start to go away.
your will power will increase, i q will increase, brain
cells. will regenerate, insomnia will go away. sunlight will give you a higher,
more elevated consciousness, and your spiritual seeking will increase the.
by sun gazing. you provide energy to your penal gland. better
known as the third eye concentration will increase your intuition. your gut
feeling will increase and soviet ability to be able to perceive things on a
nonphysical level in new course, your cravings will begin to disappear even
addictions will go.
Whether it is addiction to cigarettes, alcohol or even food
cravings moment you fall in love with the sun, everything will change. i
understand if you think that this is too simple to be true.
But let me tell you something. the truth is always simple. if
something is not simple, it's not capable of being the truth. you don't need to
go through the winding woods of pharmacology, bacteriology, physiology. to keep
yourself healthy, you need to do simple things consistently. sunlight is
lifestyle medicine. the reason you don't hear about it on TV or newspapers.
Is because nobody profits from lifestyle medicine other than
you, of course, so it's not made a part of medical training. Thanks for coming