Amazing treatment for legs at home
treatment for legs at home, I'm going to show you the quickest way to get sciatica treatment for legs at home relief to stay tuned. Hey everyone. the pro here spike here in Saint Joseph Michigan so in this video, we're going to tackle a big one sciatica expressly sciatic nerve pain that's going down one particular lake okay a lot of one-sided pain this is going to be
you're not going to want to miss all of these can be done at home possibly even at work they don't require any special equipment they're very straightforward and easy I'm going to show different variations of sciatic nerve mobilization stretches and exercises. treatment for legs at home
so make sure to try all of them go with the ones that you feel are the most effective towards relieving that sciatic nerve pain in your leg so let's get started with them so the first sciatic leg pain relief exercises they were going to focus on we're going to lay flat. treatment for legs at home
you can do this in bed or on the floor when we do these exercises as a note we want to make sure to only go to or to a point where it's a stretch but not causing any discomfort including more sciatica pain going down the lake, if that is the case.
treatment for legs at home discontinues immediately also when we do these were going to look for what's called centralization of symptoms when you get a pension problem let's say lumbar bulging disc in the back causes symptoms to go down the lake so as we do these if it feels
like the symptoms are coming back up towards the starting point which should be in the lower back that means that these are working for you so sensually what we're looking for last traveling pain let's take the affected side toward the spot or should say both side of pain and we're going to bring the knee up like this at 90 degrees I take my hands I place it behind me like this. treatment for legs at home
I'm going to do a simple need to the chest this right here should already start to feel like a very good stretch into the lower back the back of the lake and into the glue, it's only to your comfort level hold this for about 10 seconds relax do it. treatment for legs at home
a couple of times just to loosen everything up and next we're going to do what is called. A sciatic nerve mobilization or a full loss what I'm gonna do is I'm going to bring that money back towards me and then I'm going to lift the foot towards the ceiling this is going to help
stretch in open up that sciatic nerve pathway only to your comfort level when I get to that point hold this for about 5 seconds and then you're going to do this spring the toes back towards you this feels like a very good stretch and what I do is I like to hold. treatment for legs at home
this one for about 5 to 10 seconds I'm then going to relax the toast I'm going to going back to that starting position bring the knee back towards me you should have a little bit more flexibility and then I'm going to repeat that process bring the foot up. treatment for legs at home
towards the ceiling bring the toes back towards me giving this a good 10-second hold you want to do this just keep going back further and further into about 5 repetitions of it again it should feel like that one-sided sciatic pain is going back upwards if that's the. treatment for legs at home
the case you know that you're getting centralization and these are working for you so another big because of sciatic pain down one lake it's call piriformis syndrome so I want to make sure to show you a sciatica exercise that's going to focus on that and I'm going to do. treatment for legs at home
a modified figure for the exercise you may have done the figure for before but maybe this might be a little bit different so let's say that I have a lot of sciatic pain going down my right leg I want to bend the knees like this and I'm going to take the side of pain my right leg. treatment for legs at home
I'm going to place it over the left just like this, they should start to form that figure for bats gives the exercise its namesake so what I'm going to do first is I'm going to take my hands and I'm going to reach in between and grabbed the back of my left leg and then
I'm going to just place the other hand over the other and we just bring the opposite leg back towards me so the nonaffected side this right here is going to put a very good stretch. Into the performance of the product, the gluten on the side of pain go to your comfort level do this for about 10 seconds relax, and then do one more time just for good measure to get it
loosened up so this is how we're going to take it to the next level and take a lot of pressure off that sciatic nerve what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab at the ankle and then after the with the other hand and I'm going to rotate away from the pain so I'm rotating my body towards the left side and I tell you what this feels good it's just a very. treatment for legs at a home
a good way to be able to stretch in their relieve pressure off the lower back and also off that performance which may be putting pressure on that sciatic nerve causing that leg pain again if you're not noticing as many traveling symptoms after doing this exercise it's. treatment for legs at home
working for you but give this a good 10 to 15-second hold relax and then repeat up to 5 times so when it comes to relieving pressure on 2 spinal discs in the lower backache especially if we're looking at herniated disks were bulging discs that are causing. treatment for legs at the home
pensioner's causing that sciatica we need to focus on backward movements called extension in one of the best ways to do that is with a yoga pose called the cobra this one is best done at the edge of the bed and this is how we're going to do it if you're familiar with the
cobra we want to do is make sure that the hips and pelvis lay flat while you start to press upon the upper body to try to form a C. the shaped curve in the lower back you can start on your elbows like this holding it for 15 to 30 seconds. treatment for legs at home
relaxing and then doing it 3 to 5 times if this becomes too easy let's go into the full cobra which is pressing up in extending arms I should say putting them out straight like this while trying to keep the hips and pelvis flat this is a great stretch just to do daily but it just helps take.
Pressure off of the boast lumbar spinal discs that may be putting pressure on to that sciatic nerve 15 to 30-second hold relax do it up to 5 times so this is how we're going to modified this cobra pose to tackle one-sided sciatic pain let's go towards the edge of the bed whatever side is having.
treatment for legs at home the pain you want to take that lake off like this and go into we need to this chest position so let's bring that link up is much as we're able to you should already start to feel some the pressure being taken off of that the sciatic nerve on that side what we want to do is. treatment for legs at home
just hold this for about 5 to 10 seconds you can relax and if you need to and just do it a couple of times to loosen everything up when you feel ready what we want to do is then go back into that cobra pose and I tell you what this helps just take a lot of pressure off to one.
treatment for legs at the home side if you can hold this for 10 to 15 seconds relax try to bring that leg up just a little bit further and then repeat this up to 3 to 5 times but again this just takes the pressure off of those spinal discs and if you start
to feel the symptoms coming back up the lake you know it's working for you give it a try so if you're having difficulty doing these exercises lane flatter you're just afraid that you're not gonna be able to get up here are a couple that you can do standing so
I'm going to go to a wall or a door and let's do a modified standing cobra pose these are based off the Mackenzie protocol if you're pretty familiar with those exercises they're geared towards taking pressure off spinal discs in
the lower back so I want to put my feet together and they're going to be spaced about a foot away from the door take your hands you can go off on your elbows just like this where you. treatment for legs at home
can just lay them flat whatever's more comfortable for you and what I'm going to do is I'm going to lock the hips and pelvis in just trying to take my belly button towards the door or the wall I'm building that extends into the lower back. Back only go towards
your comfort level you should start to feel a very could stretch into the lumbar spine into those spinal discs once you get to that point hold this one for about 15 seconds simply just relax at that point and then repeat that process up to 3 to 5 times again just like the cobra this is going to take a lot of pressure off the lower back and hopefully get you a lot of relief. treatment for legs at home
into that lake so this next one is geared primarily towards getting rid of one-sided leg pain this is also another Mackenzie exercise this one is great so what I wanted to put my feet together whatever site is hurting the side that you're having late pain face this away from a door or the wall I put my feet about 12 inches away from that wall, I'm going to take my arm and
I'm going to keep it just kind of straight like this my elbows bent at 90 degrees let's put our body weight is upper body weight completely flush against the door or the wall so my elbow my shoulder in my arms are completely flush against it my body should almost be added nice angle what I'm going to do with the other hand is put it at the hip the side of pain and. treatment for legs at home
I'm going to drive that hip towards the wall so when this happens you're going to feel a lot of good pressure being released on the side of pain, this creates a wedge into the spinal disc on that side to help relieve any bold material that may be hitting that sciatic. treatment for legs at home
nerve hold this up to 15 to 30 seconds if you're able to simply relax and then repeat that 3 to 5 times when you do this if you have a disabled child one side they should almost give you instant relief but if you feel that you're able to get a little bit more space your
feet further away from the wall to create a bigger angle and that way you can get a little bit more push into that site to create a bigger wedge only. Each your comfort level so give these a try and go for the ones that you. treatment for legs at home
feel makes a huge difference so if you got a lot of relief please show your support by giving this video like and maybe subscribe to our channel if you have any comments or questions please leave them below I'll get back to you as soon as I can thank you for watching.